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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in West Bloomfield

Regain your youthfulness and vitality

Do you suffer from low T? Learn more about low T and how our testosterone replacement therapy in West Bloomfield can help you feel your best. 

Signs of low testosterone include: 

  • Lack of Energy 
  • Loss of focus 
  • Decreased drive & motivation 
  • Constant fatigue 
  • Increased abdominal fat 
  • Decreased athletic performance 
  • Decreased muscle mass 
  • Depression or mood swings 
  • Low libido (sex drive) 
  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Loss of morning erections 
  • Sleep problems 

About Low T

The most common cause of andropause is a decline in hormone levels. The male body produces peak hormone levels during the late teenage years and then steadily declines 1-2% per year after that. Most men don’t start to experience symptoms from Low-T until their mid-late 30s.  

Other common causes are:

  • Obesity  
  • Head Trauma  
  • Anabolic Steroid Abuse  
  • Stress  
  • Testicular Injury  
  • Radiation or Chemotherapy  

Many health risks have been associated with low T including

Benefits of hormone replacement therapy include:

  • Improved overall quality of life  
  • Increased muscle mass, strength and endurance  
  • Improved exercise tolerance  
  • Improved libido, erectile function and sexual performance  
  • Improved focus, drive and motivation  
  • Decreased both visceral and subcutaneous fat  
  • Lower cholesterol and improved lipid parameters  
  • Improved lean muscle mass, bone density, skin tone and collagen formation  
  • Protection against cardiovascular disease, hypertension and arthritis  
  • Improved cognition and enhanced memory  
  • Lower insulin resistance  
  • Increased metabolic function

What is Testoserone Replacement Therapy?

Getting started with Hormone Replacement Therapy in West Bloomfield is very easy and convenient.  

  1. Treatment Options – We offer hormone replacement therapy via a few different options that our provider will discuss at your first appointment.


  1. Follow-up – Our office will obtain follow-up blood work 6 weeks after the treatment start date; then 6 months, then yearly. Our goal is to improve your free testosterone level to an optimal value of 30-40pg/ml. This typically puts the total value in the 1200 range. Ultimately, it is your relief of symptoms that guides our therapy recommendations.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!  

Visit our West Bloomfield clinic to find testosterone replacement therapy nearby.

Get In Touch

Use the form below to request an appointment with one of our providers or to request more information.  You will receive a call back from our team for scheduling.
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